An Examination of Building Defects in Residential Multi Owned Properties

It is reasonable to expect that our home is constructed in a manner that, at the very least, is stable, safe, sheltered and fit for purpose. Unfortunately, new residential buildings in Australia appear to be plagued with defects. Although the building itself can be fractured by these defects, it is the residents living there who face the impacts. These include but are not limited to: risk to life, risk to personal safety, risk to health (physical and psychological), increased financial costs, and in some instances removal from the property. In the multi-owned property environment, those that govern (the owners corporation and its committee) and manage these buildings can be significantly impacted due to the complexities associated with rectifying defects.

About The Author

Nicole Johnston

Dr Nicole Johnston is the Founder and Director of Strata Knowledge. As a socio-legal researcher, Nicole is focused on translating applied research into practice by collaborating with industry to ensure impactful and beneficial outcomes.